Palindrome In Python

We always seemed to find it interesting to read strings backwards; eventually, we learned that such strings, which can be read correctly either way, are known as Palindromes. Although we enjoy other languages, none of them are as well-known as Python because of our keen interest in teaching our machines to recognise Palindromes in Python.

Checking to determine if a given string is a Palindrome in Python is one of the most common programs you will run as a novice as you practice your coding abilities in Python language. This article describes a few different methods for checking Palindrome programs in Python.

1What does Palindrome mean?

A number or word that is unchanged when its digits or letters are reversed is known as a palindrome. As we can see, palindromes are utilised frequently in everyday life.

  • Some examples of palindromes are the numbers 232, 77, 313, 5665, and 84847.
  • The words BOB, DAD, MADAM, and REFER are all palindromes.
  • The words in SLAJOBS, POWER, and JAVA are not palindromes.

2Algorithm for Palindromes

What comes to mind when you are asked to determine whether a particular number is a palindrome? The reverse of the number is found, and then it is compared to the original number to determine if they are the same, correct? The technique used to check Palindromes in Python takes the same approach. The steps are as follows:

Step 1: Enter the given input

Step 2:  Determine the reverse of the given input

Step 3: Check if the reversed number generated in Step 2 is the same as the given input. If so, print “Palindrome” and go to step 5; otherwise, go to step 4.

Step 4: Print “Not a Palindrome”

Step 5: End

3Palindrome in Python

With the aforementioned steps, the Palindrome program in Python would look like:

Palindrome in Python: Example

str = ‘Level’

str str = str.casefold()

# This string is reverse.

rev = reversed(str)

if list(str) == list(rev):

 print(“PALINDROME !”)


 print(“NOT PALINDROME !”)



There are various methods to determine Palindromes in Python. Some of them are:

3.1Palindrome in Python: Using for loop

The for loop is used in this method to iterate Palindromes in Python.


#Enter input string
string =input(“Enter string : ”)
#Declare an empty string variable 
revstr =“”
#Iterate string with for loop
for i in string:
    revstr = i + revstr  
print(“Reversed string : ”, revstr)
if(string == revstr):
   print(“The String is a Palindrome.”)
   print(“The String is not a Palindrome.”)


Enter string: NOON

Reversed string: NOON

“The String is a Palindrome”

3.2Palindrome in Python: using while Loop

While loop is utilized in this method to iterate Palindromes in Python. This is one of the simplest method to find palindromes when using a while loop in Python programming.


number=int(input(“Enter any number :”))

#store a copy of this number


#calculate reverse of this number



#extract last digit of this number


#append this digit in reveresed number


#floor divide the number omit the number’s last digit


#compare reverse to original number


print(“The number is Palindrome!”)


print(“Not a Palindrome!”)


Enter the value: 2586

Not a Palindrome!

Enter the value: 4884

The number is Palindrome!

3.3Palindrome in Python: Built-in Functions

In addition to using loops in python, a function can also be used to determine Palindromes in Python. In this method, built-in reversed() is used to iterate Palindromes in Python.

reverse = 0
def integer_reverse(number):
    global reverse
    if(number > 0):
        Reminder = number % 10
        reverse = (reverse * 10) + Reminder
        integer_reverse(number // 10)
    return reverse
number = int(input(“Enter any Number: “))
rev = integer_reverse(number)
if(number == rev):
    print(“The number is a Palindrome Number”)
    print(“The number is not a Palindrome Number”)
Please Enter any Number:  1991
The number is a Palindrome Number


Palindromes are extremely interesting to practise, and the addition of the popular programming language Python makes them even more exciting. The methods described above can be used to check Palindromes in Python.