Fibonacci Series In Python

In this article, we’ll look at how to print a Fibonacci series in Python. To understand this example, you must be familiar with key Python programming concepts like Python while Loop and Python if…else Statement. For a bright career in software development, enrol in the leading Python training in Chennai with IBM Certification at SLA.

Fibonacci Series starts with the first two terms: 0 and 1. The two words before them are added to produce all other terms. This is to state the nth term is the sum of (n-1)th and (n-2)th term. The methods for iterating the Fibonacci series in Python are listed below.

1Fibonacci Series in Python – Using while loop

For printing the Fibonacci series in Python, a while loop will be used.

Step 1: Enter the number of values from which the Fibonacci sequence Python should be generated.

Step 2: Set the count to 0, the n 1 to 0, and the n 2 to 1.

Step 3: If n terms is less than 0

Step 4: print “error” since the number is invalid for the series.

Step 5: The value of n 1 will be printed if n terms = 1.

Step 6: While count n terms

Step 7: Print (n 1

Step 8: nth = n 1 + n 2

Step 9: Up to the needed term, we shall update the variable by changing n 1 to n 2, n 2 to nth, and so on.


An example of printing Fibonacci series in Python using while loop is shown below.

n_terms = int(input (“How many terms must be printed?”))

# First two terms

n_1 = 0

n_2 = 1

count = 0

# Now, we will determine whether the number of terms is valid or not

if n_terms <= 0:

print (“Please enter a positive integer, the given number is not valid”)

# if there is only one term, it will return n_1

elif n_terms == 1:

 print (“The Fibonacci sequence of the numbers up to”, n_terms, “: “)


# Then we will generate Fibonacci sequence of number


 print (“The fibonacci sequence of the numbers is:”)

 while count < n_terms:


nth = n_1 + n_2

  # At last, we will update values

 n_1 = n_2

 n_2 = nth

count += 1


How many terms is it to print?  13

The Fibonacci sequence of the numbers is:














2Fibonacci Series in Python – Using Dynamic Programming

An example of printing Fibonacci series in Python using Dynamic Programming is shown below.


# Function for nth fibonacci

# number – Dynamic Programming

# Taking 1st two fibonacci numbers as 0 and 1

FibArray = [0, 1]

def fibonacci(n):

    # Check is n is less

  # than 0

  if n < 0:

  print(“Incorrect input”)

 # Check is n is less

  # than len(FibArray)

   elif n < len(FibArray):

return FibArray[n]


FibArray.append(fibonacci(n – 1) + fibonacci(n – 2))

return FibArray[n]

# Driver Program


# This code is contributed by Saket Modi



3Fibonacci Series in Python – Using Space Optimized

An example of printing Fibonacci series in Python using Space Optimi0zed is shown below.


# Function for nth fibonacci

# number – Space Optimisation

# Taking 1st two fibonacci numbers as 0 and 1

def fibonacci(n):

 a = 0

 b = 1

# Check is n is less

# than 0

 if n < 0:

 print(“Incorrect input”)

# Check is n is equal

 # to 0

return 0

# Check if n is equal to 1

elif n == 1:

return b


 for i in range(1, n):

c = a + b

a = b

 b = c

return b

# Driver Program


# This code is contributed by Saket Modi

# Then corrected and improved by Himanshu Kanojiya



4Fibonacci Series in Python – Using Cache

An example of printing Fibonacci series in Python using Cache is shown below.


from functools import lru_cache

# Function for nth Fibonacci number

# lru_cache will store the result

# so we don’t have to find

# fibonacci for same num again


def fibonacci(num: int) -> int:

 # check if num is less than 0

 # it will return none

if num < 0:

print(“Incorrect input”)


 # check if num between 1, 0

 # it will return num

 elif num < 2:

return num

 # return the fibonacci of num – 1 & num – 2

 return fibonacci(num – 1) + fibonacci(num – 2)

# Driver Program


# This code is contributed by Sayedul Haque Sarker



5Fibonacci Series in Python – Using Backtracking

An example of printing Fibonacci series in Python using Backtracking is shown below.


def fibonacci(n, memo={}):

if n <= 0:

 return 0

 elif n == 1:

return 1

 elif n in memo:

return memo[n]


 memo[n] = fibonacci(n-1) + fibonacci(n-2)

return memo[n]

># Driver Program




Time complexity: O(n)

Auxiliary Space: O(n)

6Bottom Line

The Fibonacci Sequence is an odd set of numbers that originated in classical mathematics and has since been used in advanced mathematics, biology, statistics, computer science, and agile development. Join our Python Training in Chennai at SLA to earn your IBM Certification and Best Practices certification.