Data Science with Python Training in Chennai
Data science is considered as one of the most sought after professions in the industry nowadays. Now you can commence your journey to turning a data scientist, deploying the power of Python to assess data and much more. Enroll in the Data Science training in Chennai and become an expert in this hottest concept.
Expert in Data Science with Python Training in Chennai
Welcome to the top Data Science with Python Training Institute in Chennai. Discover how Data Science with Python has become an industry standard for simplified data analysis processes of big companies. We provide comprehensive learning support based on the best-in-class Data Science with Python Course Curriculum and make you shine with industry-ready skills. In our Data Science with Python Training in Chennai comes as a package of Python Programming and Data Science concepts for beginners, fresh graduates, and working professionals with a customized curriculum. Our Data Science with Python Training in Chennai helps the students to kick-start their careers in the in-demand data science field. Upon the completion of the Data Science with Python Course in Chennai at SLA, you can write your own Python scripts and implement basic data analysis using our unlimited lab facilities. Our trainers teach you from scratch and make you an expert in Python coding and data analysis process. Data Science with Python Course Curriculum covers all-inclusive details that are expected by global companies to meet the requirement of data analysis. The top-niche skills you acquire in our Data Science with Python Training Institute in Chennai surely make you stand out from the crowd. Join us to explore the Data Science world with Python Programming
Data Science with Python Training in Chennai
Data science is a combination of statistics, machine learning, data evaluation, and various other methods to understand and assess the data for getting valuable insights. Python is the popular programming language for data science nowadays. It is dynamic, has a simple learning curve, and flexible. There is an excellent community support tool for Python. Our experts make you thorough with top-niche skills of Python programming concepts that can be used for Data Analytics in extracting, processing, analyzing, and producing results for industrial decision-making. We offer job-oriented balanced coaching on the practical and theoretical basis in our Data Science with Python Training Institute in Chennai with 100% Placement Assistance.
About Data Science with Python Training Course in Chennai
Python and data science are unique in their way, and the leading Python Training Institute in Chennai thoroughly imparts the concepts. Softlogic’s training sessions are a blend of both theory and practicals. There are specific robust data science and analytics packages, including Scipy, Pandas, Numpy, etc. This paves the way for simple assessment of data and modeling machine learning algorithms.
Python has, for a long time, been reputed as a simple programming language with an easy learning curve. This can be attributed to its easy syntax. It also has a massive collection of libraries and resources. Professionals functioning with data science applications don’t wish to be frustrated with complex programming requirements. They prefer to apply programming languages like Python, to carry out tasks in a smooth manner.
Data science comprises extending useful details from large stores of statistics, registers, and data. These data are generally unsorted and complicated to correlate with any meaningful soundness. Python sorts this by being a general-purpose programming language. It lets you form CSV output for simple data reading in a spreadsheet. To know more about this, enroll in the Best Data Science with Python Classes in Chennai.
Since there is the provision of multiple libraries for activities of data science, Python is an excellent choice for it. Python is also brief, productive, and consists of a vast community. Python is proving to be as good as R programming concerning every process under data analytics. Any newbie, who is diving into the domain of data analytics can apply this programming language to begin the journey in the data science domain. Softlogic has understood the importance of data science in Python and provides a comprehensive course on it.
Python has three important libraries such as NumPy, Pandas, and Matplotlib that make an easy data science process by generating charts from structured and non-structured data. It is easy to learn and implement for data scientists either fresh beginners or experts. We provide elaborate coaching in our Data Science with Python Training Institute in Chennai along with hands-on practice on querying data using SQL, Libraries details to clean, sort, analyze, explore, and visualize the data, specialized sci-kit-learn library’s usage to build predictive models, and arrange them with appropriate results.
Traditional and Proposed Data Science Process
Studying Data Science with Python helps to decide on business problems, forecasting weather, political assumptions, medical data, educational details, and so on. These analyses were done manually with basic mathematics, statistics, graphs, and databases. This traditional analysis process took much time and inaccurate with the results and it required new methods and a simplified process for making faster decisions. Python came as a solution and popularly used for the data analysis process that gives accurate and faster results for quick decision-making in the required field. At SLA Jobs, we train our students to learn Python for Data Science from the basic to the advanced concept that includes algorithms, libraries, and methods in our Data Science with Python Training Institute in Chennai.
Python for Data Science Course in Chennai is covered with the major libraries such as Pandas, NumPy, SciPy, and Matplotlib that are used for quick data analytics. Python for Data Processing given here as data operations, data cleansing, CSV data, JSON Data, XLS Data, Relational database, and so on with the data visualization techniques such as chart properties, styling, box plots, 3D charts, graph data, and time series along with the detailed explanation on statistical data analysis like measuring variance, correlation, etc. Explore more by checking our Data Science with Python Course Curriculum below on this page. Call us at 86087 00340 to know more about our Data Science with Python Training Institute in Chennai.
Course Objectives of Data Science with Python Training in Chennai
Our Data Science with Python Training in Chennai aims to provide a clear understanding of Python data types, python collections, python functions, control flow structures of Python, and exception handling process. We give comprehensive Data Science with Python Course in Chennai to enhance the skills of learners with more advanced knowledge such as importing structured and non-structured data, libraries details about NumPy and Pandas, Simulating the data through random number generation, and explore the clean data.
Our trainers of SLA Jobs, the Best Data Science with Python Training Institute in Chennai gives the detailed instruction on compelling graphics to explore analytic results, reshape the data for advanced analytics, inferential statistics, linear regression, logistic regression, machine learning approaches, form new data sets, and verify the variable importance. We have a dedicated placement cell to train our student with the required job-oriented training as a value-added course that equips your interview practices, resume writing skills, job searching skills, vacancies guidance, and all placement-related training in our Data Science with Python Training Institute in Chennai with 100% placement support.
Learn Data Science with Python fundamentals for powerful data mining skills and flexibility to analyze, visualize, and process the data to bring useful insights. After the completion of Data Science with Python Course, you will obtain the following skills
- Efficient data collection from various data sources such as CSV files, websites, and databases.
- In-depth knowledge in time-series decomposition, classification, forecasting, and clustering.
- Understanding the cluster analysis with the visualization methods and data science techniques.
- Effectively work with regression, cluster, classification, supervised and unsupervised data, and so on.
Who can Attend Data Science with Python Programming Training in Chennai?
Our Data Science with Python Programming in Chennai can be opting for students, fresh graduates, or whoever is interested in kick-starting their career in the in-demand Data Science field. Our Data Science with Python Course Syllabus covers the fundamentals that will be more understandable for beginners. We provide balanced coaching on theoretical and practical python concepts for the data science process, and our curriculum is personalized as per the learners’ skill set. Working professionals who wish to transform their career into the data science field can also apply for this Data Science with Python Course in Chennai as we teach advanced technologies that are helpful for their career transformation with high-package.
Data Science with Python programming is generally pursued by working professionals who are inclined to enhance their skills in data evaluation, statistical analysis, etc.
- Data analysts
- Software engineers
- Statisticians
- Software professionals wishing to migrate to the analytics field
- IT professionals keen on taking up a career in analytics
- Graduates concentrating on pursuing a career in Analytics and Data Science
- Experienced professionals who want to harness data science in their domains
- Professionals whose job role consists of data science with Python
Prerequisites for Data Science with Python Programming Training in Chennai
No hard or specific requirements are needed to learn Data Science with Python Course in Chennai as we have a customized curriculum for the benefit of beginners and experts. Our trainers are more concerned for the students to teach patiently from scratch. However, beginners who want to learn Data Science with Python could know Mathematics, Statistics, and Computer Science fundamentals for learning them quickly. Working professionals with previous experience in programming with various languages like C, C++, Java, ASP, or PHP can easily pick up the concepts of Python for Data Science Process. These can be additional advantages for the learners who want to learn Data Science with Python Course in Chennai.
Scope of Data Science with Python
The scope is vast concerning data science with Python. Python has gained considerable popularity recently since it is a general-purpose language. It is also considered as a simple language for novices. Even web developers who know Python can include data science to their skills. Startups and big organizations alike are using Python. This language is incredible when you wish to function on machine learning, and when you are just starting with data science. Python is being widely embraced in numerical computations, machine learning, and data science applications.
Python for Data Science has a great career and generates tremendous job opportunities for qualified and certified professionals. Global companies are recruiting candidates who have studies Data Science with Python Training with hands-on exposure to working for the data analytics process of their clients. Private and public sectors like financial, banking, healthcare, hospitality, weather forecast, and many more looking for the job roles such as Machine Learning Engineers, Quantitative Analysts, Data Warehouse Architects, Business Intelligence Analysts, Statisticians, Operation Analysts, etc. We help our students to find career-related guidance through our Data Science with Python Training Center in Chennai.
Data Science with Python Course Fee and Duration
Our Data Science with Python Course Duration is structured for 45 to 60 hours. Students joining the course can learn Data Science with Python Training in Chennai on their hand picked timings. We allocate batches in our Data Science with Python Training Institute in Chennai for the students as per their timing convenience and the size of the batch will be a maximum of 7 students to give individual care, effective training, and clear the doubts on the spot. We cover basic to advanced concepts of Python for Data Science process such as variables, lists, loops, statements, dictionaries, functions, data structures, typecasting, I/O functions, external libraries like Numpy, pandas, matplotlib, and so on. In our Data Science with Python Curriculum is personalized as per the skill level of learners on the specialized modes of Data Science with Python Training in Chennai. We will provide the industry-valued certificate and join us to explore the real data science world with job-ready skills in our Data Science Training Institute in Chennai.
Regular Track
45 – 60 Days
2 hours a day
Live Classroom
Weekend Track
8 Weekends
3 hours a day
Live Classroom
Fast Track
5 Days
6+ hours a day
Live Classroom
Career Benefit of learning Data Science with Python Programming in Chennai
Learning Data Science with Python is an intelligent career option for fresh graduates, professionals who want to transfer a career, and college-goers. The organization depends on their important steps for rapid growth and market analysis that are taken by data scientists. Python will be the perfect tool for making easy use of data analysis using its libraries and technologies. In our Data Science with Python Training Institute in Chennai take our students to the expert level for guiding an organization for better growth and a solid foundation in the market.
Nature of job of Data Analyst
The Data Analyst converts the raw data into structured ones for easy decision-making of the industrial leaders. Companies have raw data such as sales data, survey reports, marketing analysis, logistics, patient history, customer preferences, and so on. Data Analysts will be working on these raw data with Python libraries and graphs to extract the pattern to increase business, launching products, and introduce new techniques in the market for the current problems. Data Science with Python Training Institute in Chennai helps the students to work on the data with proper library practices to make better decisions for an organization.
What is the salary package of Data Analysts?
The average salary of the entry-level employee as a Data Scientists or Data Analysts will be around $42,208 per annum in global companies. As experience and skill level grows, the salary range will reach $140,000 per year. SLA Jobs gives you continuous guidance even after the course duration and helps our candidates up-to-date with the trending technologies through our Data Science with Python Training Institute in Chennai with 100% Placement Assistance.
Data Science with Python Career Prospects
The role of data scientists is expanding day by day. It is turning out more important than ever to be updated with the present most in-demand data science skills. Python is currently one of the quickly expanding programming languages in the world primarily due to the inclusion of data science in it.
The demand for data science career opportunities can increase in the future. If you wish to work in a top company as a data scientist with the most sought-after skill as Python, then you can join the best Data Science with Python training institute in Chennai.
Future Scope of Data Science with Python in India
Data Scientists are in great demand for developing countries like India, Japan, and so on. As per the report of job portals such as Naukri, Indeed, Shine, and Monster are the proof that the data analysts or data science experts are required to fill numerous positions for the public and private sector. The estimated job vacancies for Data Science professionals in India are 2.9 million in the year 2020. It can be increased but never get decreased. Therewith, we help our students to thrive in their careers as organization-expected professionals with hands-on experienced and certified people through our Data Science with Python Training Course in Chennai. Our certificates make them stand out of the queue and perform from day one
Data Science with Python Training Syllabus
The syllabus for Data Science with Python Training in Chennai is prepared in a detailed manner. It is developed with a focus on the present industry requirements. It is updated frequently.
Introduction of Python
- Why do we need Python?
- Program structure
Execution Steps
- Interactive Shell
- Executable or script files
- User Interface or IDE
Data types in Python
Memory management and Garbage collections
- Object creation and deletion
- Object properties
Data Types and Operations
- Numbers
- Strings
- List
- Tuple
- Dictionary
- Other Core Types
Loops and expression in Python
Statements and Syntax
- Assignments, Expressions and prints
- If tests and Syntax Rules
- While and For Loops
- Iterations and Comprehensions
Load and export files in Python
File Operations
- Opening a file
- Using Files
- Find and replace
User defined function in Python
- Function definition and call
- Function Scope
- Arguments
- Function Objects
- Anonymous Functions
Exception handling in Python
Exception Handling
- Default Exception Handler
- Catching Exceptions
- Raise an exception
- User defined exception
Working pandas in Python
- Advanced Concepts
- Pandas Section
- Python Pandas – Introduction
- Introduction to Data Structures
- Python Pandas – Series
- Python Pandas – Dataframe
- Python Pandas – Basic Functionality
- Python Pandas – Descriptive Statistics
- Python Pandas – Indexing and Selecting Data
- Python Pandas – Function Application
- Python Pandas – Reindexing
- Python Pandas – Iteration
- Python Pandas – Sorting
- Python Pandas – Working with Text Data
- Python Pandas – Options and Customization
- Python Pandas – Missing Data
- Python Pandas – GroupBy
- Python Pandas – Merging/Joining
- Python Pandas – Concatenation
- Python Pandas – IO Tools
- Python Pandas – Comparison with SQL
- Python Pandas – Dates Conversion
Data Science Data Science and AI
- All the topics in data science will covered with following concept:
- All the topics in data science will covered with following concept:
- Mathematics beside of each model
- Which scenario we want to use a particular algorithm
- How to apply it in tool
- An inferential thing of each model
Difference between each model
- Introduction to Machine Learning & Predictive Modelling
- Major Classes of Learning Algorithms -Supervised vs Unsupervised Learning
- Standard Deviation
- Variance
- Concept of hypothesis testing
- T-test
- Chi-square
- Anova
- Correlation
- Probability
- Outliers
- Drop highly correlated features
Data Science with Python Internship in Chennai
Implement the learned Data Science with Python skills with the real-time project application at our Data Science with Python Internship Training Institute in Chennai. Enhance the competence skills on Data Science with Python to manage everything needed for writing codes, stay engaged, and achieve your aim. Our Data Science with Python Internship program helps the students to get complete hands-on to perform well in developing and debugging Data Science with Python programs efficiently.
Apply what you have learned in our Data Science with Python Course curriculum in the live project practices. Our Data Science with Python Training in Chennai is based on a package of practices that provide in-depth knowledge of important and complex concepts. Internship Certification will be given at the successful completion of the Data Science with Python Internship program that helps you to get a high profile job and show your quality performance from day one.
Data Science with Python Certification Training in Chennai
A course completion certificate will be provided to all the deserving aspiring candidates. This certificate will certainly boost your career. So don’t wait and get certified in Data Science with Python and kickstart your career in topnotch companies. We also train our students for international Data Science with Python Certifications.
Why SLA for the best Data Science with Python Training in Chennai?
Data Science with Python Training in Chennai increases job opportunities for worldwide companies. Our course completion certificate is the key value for your profile as it is valued by top industries. We offer comprehensive courses for the students with the complete hands-on practices at an affordable Data Science Training Fee in Chennai. Mock Interviews, Profile Management Classes, CV Preparation Guides, and Technical Enhancement are the key strengths of our Data Science with Python Training and Placement Institute in Chennai. Enroll at SLA to get the most beneficial and on-demand data science course that assures better placement globally.
Trainer Profile of our Data Science with Python Training Center in Chennai
We provide professional training on Data Science with Python Course in Chennai at SLA Jobs through our intelligent trainers who are experienced and proficient in the field. They are techies by profession but also having the passion to provide training to the interested candidates with job-oriented skills through our best Data Science with Python Course. Our trainers are skilled in Agile, Artificial Intelligence, Augmented Reality, Big Data, Blockchain, Bootstrap, Business Analyst, CRM, Cyber Security, Deep Learning, Data Warehousing, and Data Visualization with real-time project experience.
The trainers of our Institute are well-versed with the key topics and proficient in all the data science and Python tools and techniques. They are dedicated to serving the students for their better placement in the data science field with Python expertise. They have 15+ years of experience in domain projects and 5+ years of experience in academic training. Technical strengths of the trainers of our Data Science With Python Training Institute in Chennai:
- Specialization in text analysis, search applications, information management.
- Interest in solving many data science problems using libraries
- Implementation skills of reasoning, statistics, data mining, and ML algorithms, etc
- Proficiency in Python advanced concepts such as Pandas, IO tools, Data frame, file concepts, etc
Wonderful place to learn Data Science with Python Training in Chennai. Trainers of SLA helped me get acquainted with the major concepts of Python and Data Science. The placement team helped me enhancing my industry-ready skills for a job. Thanks, SLA.
I have joined SLA for the Data Science with Python Training in Chennai after my graduation. I have got the required technical skills in data science through Python and how the data analytics process is done. The placement preparations are good with many aspects. I thank SLA and recommend the same for the students.
Some Frequently Asked Questions
Data Science with Python is the on-demand skill in which numerous commonly asked questions arise time-to-time. Here we give some of the frequently asked questions that could be the answer to your queries.