Python Web Development Training in Chennai


Python Web Development Training in Chennai

Python Web Development Course in Chennai at Softlogic provides complete knowledge about the frameworks and libraries which are used for developing the web pages.

We offer the best Python Web Development Course in Chennai with the lucid and precise materials, convenient class timings, online classroom facilities and the best placement guidance with a lot of interview preparation ideas at a valuable python web development training cost in Chennai.

Course Overview at Python Web Development Training in Chennai

At Softlogic, the course for the Python Web Development Training in Chennai consists majorly of the frameworks which are used for web development like Django,, CherryPy, Flask, Pyramid and web2py. Python web applications are used to create a program for solving the problem of general users with real-life solutions.

At the end of the course in our best Python Web Development Training Institute in Chennai, one can able to create the web-based projects, databases and implementing the web sites using Django and other frameworks.

Main Features of Python Web Development 

Python Web Development is more efficient and reliable with the benefits of its syntax is mere to pseudo-code which you can develop a web page in very less time. 

As Pythons is having OOPs concepts, web development is much easier to develop and debug. And it is also having the features of the graph to implement the application

Python has a strong framework called Django which we can have a prototype of our domain and code classes with the use of built-in templates and the application is very easy to deploy.

Python web development requires low cost as it is quickly deployed.

Python web development can easily integrate with other programming languages in the features of CPython, RubyPython, and JPython for C, Ruby, and Java languages respectively for the flexible approaches.

Why learn Python Web Development Training Course in Chennai

Python Web Development is very easy and friendly to learn as the readability of syntax is effective. Web Development with Python is easy for the developers to understand the existing code and implement the new one in case of updating the applications.

At Softlogic, the Best Python Web Development Training Institute in Chennai gives much more particulars to know more about the course with the placement guide for the learners.

Who can learn from the Best Python Web Development Course in Chennai

Beginners like Students and Fresher who wish to take over the Python as their career can get the benefit of the course from Python Training in Chennai

Working Professionals from the background like Maths, Business, Engineering, Finance, and Statistics can take up the course from our Python Training Institute in Chennai with Placement Assistance as it is the top IT trending technology for the career upliftment. 

Prerequisites to learn Python Web Development Training Course in Chennai

Computer Fundamentals is adequate to pursue the course from our Python Web Development Classes in Chennai. 

Additionally, some basic knowledge in JAVA Implementation and OOPs Concepts is the advantage of learning the course.

Career Scope after Python Web Development Training Course in Chennai with Placement

Python is the most popular language as it is maintaining the ranking 8.6 out of 10 in the usage of global users like NASA, Netflix, Quora, etc as it is fast and powerful with the ready-made solutions for calculations, image processing, and OS interfaces. The average salary of the experienced and proficient python web developer is 60 lakhs per annum and over 56000s of Job requirements are there globally. All it needs the experts and certified professionals from the top Python Web Development Center in Chennai.

Job Description of Python Developers

Following are the job nature of the trainee after Python Web Development Training in Chennai

  • Writing the logic of server-side web application
  • Developing the back-end components
  • Connecting the developed application with third party web services
  • Supporting the front end developers with the integration of application
  • Manage to interchange the data with the users from the server

Some of the Job Roles:

Python Web Developer – Django, Flask,, etc.,

Full Stack Web Developer – Python/Django

Python Web Application Developer

Python Web Development Course Fee and Duration

The fees is moderate and can be paid in two installments. If the Python Web Development course schedule doesn’t match your requirements, you can talk with our educational counsellors.

Training Mode

Regular Track

45 – 60 Days

2 hours a day

Live Classroom

Weekend Track

8 Weekends

3 hours a day

Live Classroom

Fast Track

5 Days

6+ hours a day

Live Classroom

This is an approximate course fee and duration for Python Web Development. Please contact our team for current Python Web Development course fee and duration.

Python Web Development Course Syllabus



  1. Base Python
  2. Programming Python
  3. Intermediate Python
  4. Modular Python
  5. Analytical Python
  6. Advanced Python
  7. Application Programming In Python

List Of Chapters:

Base Python:

Chapter1: Informal Introduction To Python

Chapter2: Language Constructs Of Python

Chapter3: String Handling Management

Programming Python:

Chapter4: Python Native Datatypes

Chapter5: FCS In DMS & LPS

Chapter6: Functional Programming Methodologies

Intermediate Python:

Chapter7: OOP Paradigm In Python

Chapter8: Exception Handling Mechanism

Modular Python:

Chapter9: Modules Of Python Site Package

Advanced Python:

Chapter10: Form Validation Using Regular Expression

Chapter11: Multi Threading Programming

Analytical Python:

Chapter12:File Handling i/o Management

Application Programming in Python:

Chapter13: Graphical User Interface (Tkinter – GUI)

Chapter14: Database Connectivity(Py – MySQL)

Chapter15: Common Gateway Interface (CS2 & S3)

Chapter16:Application Programming Interface (Django REST API)

Chapter1: Informal Introduction To Python

  1. Various definitions for python
  2. History of python development
  3. BDFL of python
  4. Reason behind python development
  5. General features Vs Salient features
  6. Interactive mode Vs Scripting mode
  7. Real time applications Vs Real time services
  8. Understanding python memory mapping
  9. Color coding schemes of python
  10. Different flavors of python
  11. a) JPython
  12. b) Cpython
  13. c) APython
  14. d) IPython
  15. e) RPython
  16. f) WxPython
  17. g) PyPI
  18. Zen of Python
  19. Working with IDE and IDLE
  20. Diffrent types of Python enabled frameworks

Chapter2: Language Constructs Of python

  1. Different collections of language components
  2. Understanding Identifiers and its type
  3. a) Private identifier
  4. b) Strong private identifier
  5. c) Magical methods
  6. d) Use of id() function
  7. Understanding Literals and use of type() function
  8. Using Keywords to invoke reserved action from PHT memory
  9. Using Operators to perform calculations on data
  10. a) Arithmetic operators
  11. b) Logical operators
  12. c) Relational operators
  13. d) Assignment operators
  14. e) Membership operators
  15. f) Identity operators
  16. Use of Comments and Quotations
  17. a) Single line comments
  18. b) Multi line comments
  19. c) Documentation strings

Chapter3: String Handling Management

  1. How to achieve documentation string anonymously
  2. Use of __doc__method
  3. Assigning values to variables
  4. a) Multi value assignment
  5. b) Multiple assignment
  6. Default methods used in string handling
  7. a) String formatting
  8. b) General formatting
  9. c) Manual formatting
  10. d) Automated formatting
  11. e) String concatenation
  12. f) String repetition
  13. Default operations on string
  14. a) Indexing
  15. b) Slicing
  16. c) Ranging
  17. d) reversing
  18. Built in function support for string
  19. a) Capitalizing a string
  20. b) Sorting string values
  21. c) Checking for alphanumeric values
  22. d) Applying coding and decoding algorithms
  23. e) Joining and partitioning strings

Chapter4: Python Native Datatypes

  1. Understanding LIST and LIST Comprehensions
  2. a) How to represent data items logically?
  3. b) How to iterate over list items?
  4. c) How list supports insertion preservation order?
  5. d) How to append new data in existing list?
  6. e) How to extend old list?
  7. f) How to copy elements and creating duplicate list?
  8. g) How to delete an item?
  9. h) Difference between pop and remove method?
  10. Working with TUPLE
  11. a) How to search index of an item?
  12. b) What is mutable and immutable property?
  13. c) How to add new element in tuple?
  14. d) Why tuple allow duplicate values?
  15. e) How tuple supports heterogeneous objects?
  16. Working with SET
  17. a) Why set not supports duplicate values?
  18. b) How to apply set theory concepts in SET?
  19. c) How set applies naming convention rules?
  20. Working with DICTIONARY
  21. a) Why dictionary is unindexed?
  22. b) How to view keys alone?
  23. c) How to view values alone?
  24. d) How to view items as set
  25. e) How to view items as list
  26. f) How dictionary supports iteration

Chapter5: FCS In DMS and LPS

  1. What is flow control statements and why it’s used?
  2. Use of Break statement
  3. Use of Continue statement
  4. Use of Pass statement
  5. How to use FCS in Decision making statements
  6. Types of decision making statements
  7. a) Simple if statement
  8. b) If…else statement
  9. c) If…elif…else statement
  10. How to use FCS in looping statements
  11. a) Understanding For loop statement
  12. b) Understanding While loop statement
  13. c) How to iterate over loop
  14. How pattern programs of python used in MVC

Chapter6: Functional Programming Methodologies

  1. How functions used in python?
  2. Types of functions available in python
  3. a) Built in functions
  4. b) User defined functions
  5. c) Math functions
  6. d) Lambda functions
  7. What is meant by method?
  8. What is parameter and argument?
  9. How to pass argument from run time?
  10. How to create user defined function explicitly ?
  11. How to create anonymous functions?
  12. How to use map(),filter(),reduce() in lambda functions?

Chapter7: OOP Paradigm in Python

  1. How python supports oops concepts?
  2. What are all the properties of OOPS?
  3. How to achieve the following:
  4. a) Data abstraction
  5. b) Data encapsulation
  6. c) Polymorphism
  7. d) Inheritance and its types
  8. How constructor works in python?
  9. Use of __init__ constructor
  10. Use of Self keyword
  11. How to migrate functions to classes?
  12. How data model of OOP works in python platform?

Mini project – 1 – creation

Chapter8: Exception Handling Mechanism

  1. How to identify misbehaved part of a program?
  2. Types of built in exception
  3. Components of exception handler
  4. Use of try block
  5. Use of catch block
  6. Use of except block
  7. Use of finally block
  8. How to create user defined exception?
  9. How to raise an user defined exception?
  10. How to achieve assertion?
  11. Use of OOP paradigm in exception?
  12. Use of __builtin__ module

Chapter9: Modules Of Python Site Package

  1. How to use internal modules of python?
  2. Types of python modules and its frequently used functions
  3. a) Os module
  4. b) Sys module
  5. c) Math module
  6. d) Time module
  7. e) Datetime module
  8. f) Calendar module
  9. How to migrate python programs as module?
  10. How to achieve memory optimization using PYTHONPATH & SYSPATH?
  11. Types of importing modules in python platform

Chapter10: Form Validation Using Regular Expression

  1. What is Regular expression?
  2. Creating pattern using RE module?
  3. Stages of regex
  4. How pattern matching done in python?
  5. How python interpreter supports find and replace activity?
  6. What is pattern transformation?
  7. What is pattern transition?
  8. What is meta character in regex?
  9. How to use meta character set in regex?
  10. Difference between meta tag and character
  11. What is raw string?
  12. Understanding the following with experimentation
  13. a) Re.match()
  14. b)
  15. c) Re.compile()
  16. d) Re.findall()
  17. e) Re.split()
  18. f) Re.sub()
  19. How regex supports python flags?
  20. How to validate form input credentials using regex functions

Chapter11: Multi Threading Programming

  1. What is multi programming?
  2. What is process?
  3. How to give priorities to thread?
  4. Understanding the components of TCB
  5. Use of thread identifier
  6. Use of process identifier
  7. Use of thread register set
  8. Use of thread program counter
  9. Use of heap memory in thread
  10. Use of single processor in threading with implementation
  11. Multithreading vs multiprocessing
  12. Use of thread module and threading module
  13. How to use instruction pointer inside threading?
  14. What is parent process control?
  15. Execution methods for Multithreading
  16. How to seek pointer?
  17. How multi threading supported by regex and oop?

Chapter12: File Handling i/o Management

  1. What is a file in python?
  2. How to create a file using access mode?
  3. Types of accessing modes in i/o management
  4. a) Append
  5. b) Read
  6. c) Write
  7. d) Read binary
  8. e) Write binary
  9. f) Append+
  10. g) Read+
  11. h) Write+
  12. i) Text
  13. Why file object is mandatory in file handling?
  14. How to analyze the data with in a file?
  15. How to perform manipulation over the given file?
  16. How to install pandas module to perform data analytical functions?
  17. Using reader and writer methods of pandas
  18. Storing data in CSV file format [ Mini project 2 ]
  19. Understanding the following methods
  20. a) Read()
  21. b) Readline()
  22. c) Readlines()
  23. d) Write()
  24. e) Writelines()
  25. How to get content from cloud to process it with panda and store it in a .CSV file

Chapter13: Graphical User Interface Using Tkinter

  1. What is an user interface?
  2. Creating basic interface window creation
  3. What is main process toolkit and sub process toolkit?
  4. How to give title to basic window interface?
  5. Triggering user input action in a Tk GUI
  6. Working with geometry manager
  7. Understanding the importance of context managers
  8. Types of context managers in tkinter
  9. a) Place manager
  10. b) Grid manager
  11. c) Pack manager
  12. Difference between Tkinter and tkinter
  13. Use of cell padding and cell spacing
  14. What is pad-x and pad-y in tk
  15. Properties of tkinter module
  16. a) Label widget
  17. b) Button widget
  18. c) Entry widget
  19. d) Checkbutton widget
  20. e) Radiobutton widget
  21. f) Combobox widget
  22. g) Scrolled text widget
  23. h) Message widget
  24. i) Spinbox widget
  25. j) Progressbar widget
  26. k) Menu bar widget
  27. l) Frame widget
  28. m) Photo image widget
  29. What is a relief attribute?
  30. Listing the types of relief attributes
  31. Main project – implementation

Chapter14: Database Connectivity (Python With Mysql)

  1. Understanding backend process with RDBMS concepts
  2. Advantage of open source RDBMS
  3. List of frequently used database servers
  4. a) Mysql
  5. b) Ms sql server
  6. c) Maria db
  7. d) Oracle
  8. e) Postgre sql
  9. f) Sybase
  10. List frequently encountered database API drivers
  11. a) Sqlite3
  12. b) Mysql_connector
  13. c) Mysqldb
  14. d) PyMySQL
  15. List of web platform frameworks available to DBC
  16. a) WAMP server
  17. b) LAMP server
  18. c) XAMPP server
  19. Connection procedure for python mysql bonding
  20. Working with mysql queries in WAMP server
  21. Working with mysql queries from python platform
  22. Implementation of mini project 1 & 2 with back end process

Chapter15: Common Gateway Interface

  1. What is gateway interface?
  2. What is URL & URI?
  3. How URL mapper works?
  4. How to deal with internal dispatcher of cgi script?
  5. What Client side scripting(CS2)?
  6. Working with Server side scripting(S3)
  7. How wamp server act as web client?
  8. How IIS supports CGI traceback information?
  9. What is shebang line and how to use it with cgi and cgitb module
  10. What is content type header?
  11. What is MIME header and how it works with web page contents?
  12. What is cookies?
  13. How to configure cgi scripts in WAMP server
  14. How to add cgi handler for CGI scripts
  15. Executing scripts with wamp server in localhost
  16. How to inspect elements of a formatted web page?

Chapter16: Application Programming Interface(Django REST API)

  1. What is programming interface?
  2. How API connects all software components with it self?
  3. What is Django?
  4. What is Django REST framework?
  5. Properties of Django framework
  6. How to get JSON formatted data?
  7. What is Object relational mapping?
  8. Available writing methods of Django REST API
  9. How to configure django and django rest framework in PYCHARM IDE?
  10. Setting project interpreter in pycharm
  11. Adding plugins with django application
  12. How to create project and start an application?
  13. Making migration to created data model
  14. How to create super user to run the django application?
  15. How to run django application server
  16. Adding components to REST API


Contact Details

No: 10, PT Rajan Salai, KK Nagar

Chennai – 600078, Tamil Nadu

Landmark: Shivan Park / Karnataka Bank Building

Contact Number: +91 8681884318
