Java’s Object class serves as the superclass for all classes in the language. Every subclass and arrays can make use of the methods present in the Object class. This class offers various methods designed to execute diverse operations on objects.
Object Class Methods in Java
The Object Class Methods in Java encompass various functionalities, such as the tostring() method, hashCode() method, equals() method, finalize() method, getClass() method, and clone() method. Additionally, it includes the wait(), notify(), and notifyAll() methods.
Let us look into the Object Class Methods in Java in detail.
string() method
This method, which is part of Object class methods in Java, retrieves the object’s string representation, allowing for customization. For example, in a class like “Office,” you can change how the branch head with location displays when using this method. It is useful to know that an object’s representation is determined by the object itself, particularly while debugging.
hash code()
In Java, a hash code is a numeric value created by a hashing algorithm for each object, representing its unique identity. This code is obtained by applying the algorithm to the object’s internal address, not its actual memory address, providing a numerical representation. Importantly, every object in Java has its own distinct hash code, crucial for various applications and operations in the language.
equals ()
In Java, the equals method compares two objects to determine whether they are equal or not. When applied to a specific object, it compares its value to that of another object supplied as a parameter. This method is used to check and confirm the equality of object values, making it a useful tool for comparing and validating object relations within Java programs.
In Java, the get() function is used to retrieve the value of a specified field identified by a Field object. If the field has a primitive type, the procedure immediately encapsulates the value in an object. In addition to being helpful in getting field values, this adaptable technique also works well in getting the runtime class object and gathering field metadata. All things considered, Java’s get() function is vital for obtaining field values and gathering data about the related runtime class.
finalize() method
In Java, the garbage collector calls the finalize() method when eliminating an item from memory, a process that begins when there are no more references to that object. This technique is essential because it offers a way to release resources linked to an item or carry out cleanup tasks before deleting it from memory.
Clone() method
The clone() method of the Object class is expected to be overridden by a subclass implementing the Cloneable Interface. This method is used to create a clone, which is effectively a duplicate of the object along with its member variable values, and is invoked using the syntax aobj.clone(). It’s vital to remember that performing this procedure will result in a thrown CloneNotSupportedException if a class doesn’t implement the Cloneable interface.
When this method is applied, the active thread is put in a waiting state until it receives a notification from another thread. The function needs to define the waiting time in milliseconds for how long the thread waits in this state. With the help of this technique, thread synchronization may be regulated, enabling accurate timing and coordination in multithreaded programming.
This method involves activating a single thread that is waiting for a specific item, delivering notifications exclusively to one thread at a time. The process ensures that only one thread is awakened at a time when waiting for a particular item, providing a controlled and orderly approach to thread synchronization.
This method simultaneously awakens all threads currently waiting for an object, issuing notifications to each waiting thread at the same time. It provides a synchronized approach to alerting multiple threads, allowing them to resume execution concurrently upon receiving the notification.
Acquiring expertise in “Object Class Methods in Java” is essential for efficient Java programming, providing crucial insights into object-oriented concepts. Elevate your proficiency in using these methods by enrolling in Java Training in Chennai, where you can deepen your understanding and refine your skills.